The Russian connection

2 thoughts on “The Russian connection

  1. Every Capitalist entity wants to expand its customer base.
    Even Coke. Was Coke acting nefariously when they began operating in Russia?

    Why are the muddled-headed yakers in the media creating a “Red Scare?”
    Has our intelligence community set this stage?

    Why didn’t we (the people) know that the Soviet Union was going to collapse?
    Or that the Twin Towers were going to be attacked.
    Or that there was about to be an Iranian Revolution or that our invasion of Iraq would lead to the formation of an ISIS caliphate?

    Those are big ticket items that our intelligence community either missed or kept from us. And there are others. Lots of others.

    With a track record like that shouldn’t the American people hold our intelligence community suspect and in low regard?

    But here comes Chuck Schumer and Chris Coons to bigfoot this issue in the clumsiest possible way by claiming that “Trump was undermining our intelligence community.”

    No Chuck and Chris, the only thing being undermined here is your credibility.

  2. Coke didn’t funnel Russian funds into the last election. The NRA did. Since you like the word and seem to miss its significance, Putin is a fascist.

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