One thought on “The enemy is in the house

  1. Trump can legally declassify anything and he can do it whenever he wants.
    Including in a conversation with Putin.
    This is just more anti-Russian propaganda coming from our fearmongering CIA and our intelligence community.

    Besides, if our allies were so concerned with “secrets” leaking out they would never have supported Trump and his coup in Venezuela.

    The coup leaders Pompeo, Pence, Bolton and Rubio (who, its been said, acts like the assistant secretary of state for Latin America) all call Socialist Maduro a “dictator.”

    If that true why hasn’t the dictator Maduro already used his military to violently suppress the opposition and have the little, Capitalist, rat Guido arrested?
    Because he fears Trump? Nobody is afraid of Trump.

    Trump loves dictators. He counts al Sisi, Putin, bin Salman, XI and Kim among his pals. So why does he hate Socialist Maduro’s guts?

    Because the real dictators will do business with the criminal Trump and President Maduro won’t.
    There will never be a Trump Tower in Caracas as long as Maduro is in power.

    On the other hand the little, Capitalist, usurper, rat Guido will kiss Trump’s ass endlessly.

    Why are Progressives still supporting Trump and his coup in Venezuela?

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