2 thoughts on “Yepper

  1. In their push to privatize everything Capitalists like Steve Forbes are still trying to privatize Social Security.

    If the Capitalists can’t achieve that goal then their Plan B is to “starve the beast” into oblivion.

    Republicans are the “enemy of the people.”

  2. Why do high earners need a big raise halfway through the year when they hit the income cap subject to SSA insurance premiums? The cap has risen over the years, doubling between 1991 and 2011 from $53,400 to $106,800. Now up to $127,200.

    But that leaves a LOT of money on the table from all those 6-figure salaried workers: high-tech, Wall St., attorneys, doctors, upper management, etc. Since they are already doing ‘pretty OK’ compared to the 99% – couldn’t they bolster the trust fund by paying the 6.2% on ALL of their income?

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