2 thoughts on “Good!

  1. Another stellar decision on the part of Perez.

    Speaking of Evangelical Christians, FOX and anti-Semites; apparently Speaker Pelosi has tasked committee chairmen/people Jerry Nadler, Nita Lowey and Eliot Engel with defining and identifying anti-Semite-ism.
    Which is appropriate because all of these New Yorkers are of the Jewish persuasion.

    Hopefully this fact-finding trio will keep in mind that history tells us that the Right—-Fascists, Nazis, White Supremacists, and White Nationalists like Trump———are virulently and murderously anti-Semitic.
    Has the Left ever organized the systematic mass murder of any group of people? (Stalin and Mao were right wing totalitarians.)

    The current situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and Gaza is intolerable and must be addressed ASAP.

    Israel has two choices only.
    1. Give their blessing to a fully sovereign Palestinian State with secure and recognizable borders and the ability to defend those borders.
    2. Annex Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories into Israel and grant full citizenship, including the right to vote, to all of the residents of occupied Palestine.

    Those have always been Israel’s only choices and the criminal Netanyahu knows it.

    If Kushner’s soon to be released “Middle East Peace Plan” is anything other then one of those two choices then he’s simply working a shell game on all of us with the approval of the criminals Netanyahu and bin Salman.

  2. Perez still mealy mouthed this announcement. He could denounce Fox as a propaganda outlet and not lose the Democrats a single vote. Of course Joe Manchin would get a case of the vapors. Yawn.

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