Alex Jones is still an asshole

I am so looking forward to him losing that Sandy Hook lawsuit:

2 thoughts on “Alex Jones is still an asshole

  1. He is, but perhaps not the biggest asshole.

    That honor might go to convicted war criminal Elliot Abrams , who is out selling the warmongers “get tough” policy of “forcing the Russians out of Venezuela.”

    According to the warmongers, FOX, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria and others, the only way for Trump to stop “appeasing Russia” is for him to intervene militarily in Venezuela and forcibly remove their duly elected president, Socialist Maduro, from office.

    Had the idiot Capitalist, Evangelical Christian, warmongers Pence, Pompeo and Bolton not attempted a coup in Venezuela then the Russians wouldn’t be there in the first place.

    Betsy Devos is also an asshole and the list grows ever longer.

  2. I have a good friend who I have known since the early ’90s who always had a conspiracy theory habit, but after he started listening to Alex Jones got so bad I couldn’t even talk to him any more.
    He is otherwise a good and solid friend, so we have taken to just avoiding talking about subjects that are likely to become arguments when we see one another.
    He never, even at his most conspiratorial, used to say anything like the kind of stupid shit he says now to those who will put up with it.
    I just sigh under my breath and remember how he picked me up from my surgeries in 2015 whenever I hear him get going about vaccines, climate change, or the moon landing, but I’m beginning to hear the notes of racism in his words and that’s a damn bridge too far.
    So far he’s not reacted too strongly when I have called him out about it and asked if he remembers how much he used to admire MLK, but I don’t know how long that will last now.

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