2 thoughts on “‘Who you gonna believe?’

  1. Mulvaney is a Capitalist zealot which is why he always sounds insane.

    Trump has stopped calling Democrats “Socialists” and begun to call them “radicals.”

    If you do not have stacks of unneeded cash lying around that you can lend out for a fee (profit), then you are, by default, a Socialist and not a Capitalist.
    Capitalists have excess wealth and Socialists do not.

    When you call someone a “Socialist” you have the obligation to define what a “Socialist’ is.
    And what a “Capitalist” is for contrast.

    That’s a dangerous game for the oligarchs and the plutocrats to play which is why Democrats are now being labeled “radicals” by Republicans.
    You know, extremists, revolutionaries, left-wingers.

    The problem for Republicans is that “radicals” are also known as “freethinkers” and no organized “club” wants those sorts of people as members.

  2. Those bastards shave the truth every time. If the courts invalidate the ACA policies issued under that mandate remain contracts until the policy period expires. So the policy holders don’t lose coverage. They just can’t find new coverage. See how that spins?

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