Never even heard of this

Who the hell in Obama’s Treasury was communicating off-list with the Russians?

2 thoughts on “Never even heard of this

  1. “The first gold star a child gets in school for the mere performance of a needful task is its first lesson in graft.” Philip Wylie, Generations of Vipers, 1942.

    Every person in the Trump administration, including Trump himself, got plenty of gold stars throughout their miserable, criminal lives.

    Now that Netanyahu has won his 5th term with lots of help from Trump and Putin (no election interference there) we should all see Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan.

    What could be in it?

    Trump has already given Netanyahu everything he’d ever want in a “final peace deal,” with the possible exception of full water rights, so what’s left to negotiate? (Interestingly Trump did it with very little resistance from Putin.)

    Kushner’s plan will be a US/Israel/Saudi agreement allowing Israel to absorb the occupied Palestinian territories and Gaza into a “Greater Israel” (Begins dream) without granting the Palestinian’s full Israeli citizenship including the right to vote.

    Sunni Arabs will sell out the Palestinians.

    NOTE: There is no Left, left in Israel.
    There is only a Right represented by Tzipi Livni and those of her ilk and an extremist Right consisting of opportunists, White Nationalists and religious zealots (like the Republicans in the US) represented by Netanyahu and Gantz.

  2. One of the Democratic Presidential candidates should run as a “law & order” candidate. Focus on this stuff, emoluments, revolving door between regulatory agencies & industry, criminal justice reform, Senate majority leader must allow votes on floor, right to vote for ex-cons, voter disenfranchisement, and so many other issues of oligarchy, lack of regulation, corruption & injustice. In other words re-framing “law & order” FROM “punish street criminals” TO “white collar rule of law”, making illegal some currently legal but unjust practices, changing government “traditions” that Trump & Repubs destroyed to be actual laws – with enforcement mechanisms.

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