Judicial impeachment looks better all the time

The conservatives on the court rule in favor of maintaining the power of Republican presidents, not the law:

One thought on “Judicial impeachment looks better all the time

  1. Was there ever any doubt that the court would side with the ‘originalists’ who secretly want only wealthy, white, landowners to be allowed to vote?

    But Pelosi won’t impeach a supreme court justices any more then she’ll impeach Trump.

    “We are not there yet on impeachment,” she says.

    Any first year law student, after studying the Mueller Report, would have little trouble convincing a jury that Trump was guilty of obstruction.
    Mueller cited ten examples of how Trump attempted to obstruct justice.

    So what is Pelosi waiting for?
    Does Trump have something on her?

    Do we operate under a system of laws or do we not?

    It is Pelosi’s constitutional responsibility to pursue impeachment in the House regardless of what the Senate might do.
    And if she’s waiting for Republicans to turn on Trump, then she’ll be waiting until hell freezes over.

    Many Democratic offices holders have said that they believe Trump has committed impeachable offenses.
    But, they say that the Democrats will have to decide as a group to impeach or not.

    That is not their prerogative, nor is it a constitutionally defensible position to take.
    They would know that if they read the Constitution.
    Especially the part where it says that lawbreakers “shall be removed” from office.

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