One thought on “Panhandle Slim… Art for Folk…

  1. The Taliban formed an interim government yesterday. For what it’s worth.
    The Taliban is divided into 3 units: religious, political, and military.

    The interim government agreed on two religious hardline clerics to run the religious unit.
    Two hardliners will run the political unit.
    One of them, Siraj Haqqani, has a $15 million FBI bounty on his head.
    (Haqqani’s father was once very close to the CIA and then the CIA double-crossed him.
    Now there’s a blood feud going on between the CIA, the FBI and the Haqqani Group.)
    The military was pretty much ignored by the new government.

    As in most theocracies—Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.—religion plays a key role in the government and in the countries decision making process.
    Politics plays a lesser role and the military is simply an understudy.

    So far, so good.
    Except that there are no women in the new government yet.

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