2 thoughts on “Dumbass

  1. Every Republican politician in Texas is a creature of the Big Oil dollar. (And also Joe Manchin.)

    Until the Republican Big Lie Party’s apparatchik are convinced that the Democrats are serious about bringing traitor Trump and his treasonous henchmen to justice, they will continue to genuflect to the Trumpites.

    Once the Republican Big Lie Party’s rank and file is convinced that traitor Trumps days of breathing free air are numbered, they will run like the wind away from the traitor.

    If Attorney General Merritt Garland issued an arrest warrant for Steve Bannon that would convince many of them.

    Chris Christie, Moscow Mitch and some others seem to have already concluded that the Democrats are out for blood and this time it’s for real.

  2. Meanwhile China is developing thorium reactors which are actually a good idea apparently. We haven’t gone forward or led the way on anything energy related.

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