Conspiracy theories collapse …

It has been fascinating on my social media all the yahoos that go all in on the deep state, political bias, FBI spies, and nonsense the past few years.

My more rural acquaintances are lacking access to an array of media on their radios and TV’s. I can go to the Fox News and the One America News sites and predict retorts to any of my comments.

It is similar to SEC college football. Exchanges can get pretty brutal.

Here is a list of conspiracies that collapsed with the IG report.

Ukraine Oligarch linked to Giuliani search for dirt …

His name is Ihor Kolomoisky, and he was once seen as the power behind the throne of President Volodymyr Zelensky. And he has a lot to gain from any favor he can curry with the Trump administration: An FBI probe into his finances threatens to deprive Kolomoisky of his earnings and his freedom.

The nature and extent of Kolomoisky’s involvement in the pressure campaign remains unclear. There’s some indication that he began dishing the kind of bogus political dirt that Giuliani and Trump are seeking as far back as 2018. But in the murky world where Ukraine business and politics overlap, Kolomoisky has largely managed to remain on the periphery of the coverage of the Trump scandal.

That is, at least, until Rudy waltzed back into town.