About those phone records Rep. Nunes…

This may refresh your memory.

So, about these phone records …

The House committees leading the impeachment inquiry revealed new details Tuesday about President Trump and his allies’ Ukraine pressure campaign — details that came in the form of phone records obtained by the House.

The phone records suggest Rudy Giuliani was in contact with the White House and with officials elsewhere in the administration at key moments as the Ukraine conspiracy theories were being elevated by Trump’s allies. On several occasions, after Giuliani connected with the White House switchboard, he would receive a phone call minutes later from an unknown number beginning with “-1.”

So, if one was to speculate, would “-1” be Trump? Wink, wink.

Did it even occur to any of these clowns that there would be records?

Cheesus crackers!!!

House Intelligence Committee releases report on impeachment inquiry …

Evidence for impeaching Donald Trump for misconduct in office is “overwhelming”, according to the panel leading the US impeachment inquiry.

The president placed personal political interests “above the national interests of the United States,” it states in a key report to US House lawmakers.

Evidence of misconduct was overwhelming “and so too is the evidence of his obstruction of Congress,” it adds.

FDA ignored warnings about asbestos contamination in talc products …

This has been going on for decades.

Over the past 50 years, the FDA has relied upon–and often deferred to–industry even as outside experts and consumers repeatedly raised serious health concerns about talc powders and cosmetics, a Reuters investigation found.

Again and again since at least the 1970s, the agency has downplayed the risk of asbestos contamination and declined to issue warnings or impose safety standards, according to documents produced in court proceedings and in response to public records requests.