7 thoughts on “Emad Burnat detained

  1. But, golly, don’t you just feel so much safer knowing that farmer-film makers are being hassled at the airport. Mmmmmm, comfy in the knowledge that for only the price of your freedom, you get the appearance of safety.

  2. Or is it the partiarchy?
    What, no male bashing here?
    As if women have nothing to do with this clusterf*ck and bear no responsibility for it?
    I’m disappointed.
    Tell you what. If any other group — women, gays, jews, (pick a religion or minority, really) — got treated here the way you treat men, you’d be ejected from the blogger gulag in a philly fartbeat.
    Never forget that.

  3. pleeeeeze ban that guy, srsly.

    Did they ever say why they detained him in the first place? They thought an Arab man traveling with his wife and 8-yr old son was a terrist?

  4. To Major Kong’s point. It sure ain’t the Hispanics with their noses out of joint because of this cats movie. And no it’s not the “Jews.” The Jewish people are the salt of the earth. But, the Zionists….not so much. To Allie: banning speech is an abomination. Kong’s sin was that he/she wasn’t man/woman enough to own their speech. “Be proud and be loud!” And then don’t whine when you have to suffer the consequences.

  5. All those TSA/immigration morons needed to do was goggle his name and the name of the movie and the words Academy Awards, and they would see that he had been nominated and therefore would have been invited to attend. That would have take 2 or 3 minutes max.

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