Assault weapon sale for a cause…

Organizations do a variety of activities for fundraising. When I was in high school we would have sandwich and bake sales. Girl Scouts sell cookies and the masses beg for Thin mints and Do-se-does. 5k runs are also popular with causes and charities.

An Ohio personhood activist is selling assault weapons and ammo for the personhood cause

Patrick Johnston, founder of the anti-abortion group Personhood Ohio, sent out an email this past weekend encouraging recipients to help his cause by “buying an assault rifle” and “some high capacity magazines and a ton of ammo.

He wasn’t suggesting they buy just any assault rifles, mind you, but assault rifles from Johnston’s personal collection including two Chinese SKS rifles and a MAK 90.  All three weapons use the same ammunition the AK 47 (7.62×39mm). Two of the rifles come with high capacity magazines and one includes a drum holding 100 rounds. He is also auctioning off 2550 rounds of ammo.

It seems that the proceeds from this sale are to fund a large personhood mail campaign

“What do you do when you have a Personhood mailing to 20,000 pro-life Ohioans that costs $5,500 and only have $2,900 in your Personhood account?” Personhood Ohio Director Patrick Johnston wrote in a fundraising email on Sunday. “I’m selling some of my favorite things – some powerful rifles and ammo.”

But, the personhood movement is on the fringe even with Right Wing

Personhood advocates’ push to endow zygotes with the rights of U.S. citizens hasn’t won support from other Republicans or other anti-abortion groups. The Supreme Court has confirmed that personhood is “clearly unconstitutional,” and it’s failed to take hold in conservative states like Oklahoma and Mississippi. The one notable exception is North Dakota, where the state legislature passed a personhood amendment that will be on the ballot in 2014.

Nothing promotes the sanctity of life better than an assault weapon.

H/t medical malpractice attorney Thomas Soldan.

2 thoughts on “Assault weapon sale for a cause…

  1. Yeah, that commandment saying “Thou Shalt Not Kill?” God was just kidding about that one…

  2. You forgot to mention that he is also providing a list of elementary schools to whomever buys the weapons.

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