Viagra Spam

I don’t know if I ever mentioned this, but I’m inundated with Viagra spam. I really enjoy reading the subject lines, they’re like sexual cheers: “Don’t go flaccid at the critical juncture”. Some of them are even poetic: “Make your loving woman melt in bed.”

But yeah, I do wonder about the people who actually click and buy. So I laughed when I read this.

2 thoughts on “Viagra Spam

  1. Hilarious, Susie. BTW, no Extenze for me, thank you. I’ve always felt that my penis is what it is (pencil-dick, or not) and that vigina’s were built from a one-size-fits-all perspective.

  2. This penis-enlargement stuff is all a big scam.
    I’ve tried dozens of them over the last 80 years, at astronomical cost, and none of them have ever worked.
    I’ll just have to make do with my God-given 10.75″

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