Class war

It’s amazing, what a great job the Occupy movement has done to get people talking about class issues:

“Significantly more Americans see “very strong” or “strong” class conflict between the rich and poor, according to a survey released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. The results show that Americans think that conflicts between the rich and poor are stronger than immigrant and native born, black and white and young and old.

In 2009, 47 percent of respondents said there were “very strong” or “strong” conflicts between the rich and poor. In 2011, 66 percent saw the same, possibly signaling that the “We are the 99 percent” rhetoric of Occupy Wall Street has had an impact. The ongoing economic recession also may have magnified class differences as income inequality has risen, continuing a trend occurring in American society since at least the 1970s.

Democrats in general — and President Barack Obama in specific — have also spoken out about income inequality. “Now, this kind of inequality — a level that we haven’t seen since the Great Depression — hurts us all,” Obama said in a December speech in Kansas. The GOP front-runner for the presidency, Mitt Romney, has in turn charged Obama with promulgating the “politics of envy” and said that discussions over the distribution of wealth were “fine” to talk about “in quiet rooms in discussions about tax policy.”

Media mentions about income inequality have also risen significantly since the start of the Occupy Wall Street movement.”

One thought on “Class war

  1. The established oligarchy and their captive media had done a great job up to this point suppressing any sort of discussion or even mention of economic classes. The occupy movements have provided an end run around the established channels of discussion and brought the issue directly to the people and forced even the media to notice and discuss it just the tiniest bit. This is why they are so desperate to redirect the occupy movement into politics and Washington. “The real problem is money in politics” they claim. “Its the politicians in Washington you need to address, not Wall Street.”

    They have a whole system already built in Washington to suppress and wear out dissent in a futile runaround game to keep the troublemakers busy chasing bills and rules. And they have an effective system to suppress and silence demonstrations and dilute them among the hundreds of others continually marching for one thing or another.

    My advice would be to forget politics, forget elections, and just continue to camp out in plain sight. Make people keep wondering, “What the hell do these people WANT? What’s their problem? Why won’t they go away?”

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