Many kinds of Catholic

by Susie
Including “ex”, which is what I am.

Occasionally family members try to talk me back into the arms of Catholicism, but I have no interest in the political organization formerly known as the Catholic church — except as nostalgia, back from the days nuns and priests were chaining themselves to the front entrances of bomb makers. Now, that was a religion I could respect!

When it’s gotten to the point that you need to have the condom talk with the American Catholic church hierarchy (you know, because they’re the ones who are humping under the covers with the right wing), when the same shameless bishops and cardinals who covered up the rape of children are telling married Catholic couples what they should be doing in the bedroom or what they shouldn’t have in their medicine cabinet, well, it seems to me there’s no real Catholic church left to save. Your mileage may vary.

I just keep wondering when it will occur to American Catholics that they should simply start their own kinder, gentler church. I think Jesus would approve.

6 thoughts on “Many kinds of Catholic

  1. Agreed, Suze. I decided when I graduated from good old St. Catherine High many moons ago that I was finished as a practicing Catholic. I’d seen enough, although T wasn’t articulate enough to know all the scurly details, I knew I could still hold on to my spirituality and connection to a higher being, I just had to let the dogma of the relgion fade away. And with all the scandals going down—that we know of—I know I made the right decision for me.

  2. Back in St. Bernards School growing up, we only needed to pay attention and get a good education. Personally, my dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church began with the change from the Latin Mass to a more pedestrian English version. The mystery was gone, along with my interest. I did continue my Catholic education, and graduated from High School. The ensuing scandals and payoffs disgust me.

  3. Very nicely stated, Susie. I especially liked this — “you know, because they’re the ones who are humping under the covers with the right wing…”

    Forget theology. I remember a friend of mine telling me he went to church one Sunday and after Mass someone in the vestibule was handing out papers urging parishioners to vote for Bush because he was “pro-life.”

    I respect the activist contingent of the church that fights for human rights, but these evangelical Christians — including most of the bishops, of course — are an obscenity.

  4. Susie, there’s no such thing as an “ex” Catholic. When you were baptized you became an adopted child of God, a living temple of the Holy Spirit, a citizen of Heaven, co-heir with Jesus Christ, and a member of the church.

    Your immortal soul received a special, indelible, mark, identifying you as one of God’s very own. You also received a number of unique rights and privileges, the most important of which is the right to expect God to freely accept all your prayers and petitions.

    None of this was merely temporary, or subject to revocation.

    The corruption and hypocrisy of some who lead the church is shameful and scandalous, yet such things should no more keep you from being authentically Catholic than corrupt politicians and congressman should keep you from being authentically American.

    The most important thing at stake is the eternal salvation of your own personal soul, and for that you need to fully and faithfully participate in all of the work, worship, sacraments and devotions of the Catholic Church … the only church that Jesus Christ ever founded … for that express purpose.

    If you’re old enough and intelligent enough to post opinion pieces on the internet, you’re old enough and intelligent enough to satisfactorily work through adult questions of faith, without merely throwing up your hands and walking away.

    In any case, God loves you, and God will provide … but things begin to look much, much better once you take the time to discern your proper place in the whole scheme of things, stand up for God’s honest truth, and begin to properly pursue the high purpose for which you were created.

    Of course, none of that really matters if you remain estranged from and/or separated from Christ and his church.

    There has always been a direct relationship between corruption in the church and the need for authentic, faithful Catholicity. The more corrupt the church evidently appears … the more good, faithful, well informed, mature Catholics are needed … in order to help turn things around.

    I suspect the problem you have with the Catholic church is actually rooted some intractable, personal moral issue … and not something that is specific to any of the current public scandals. If that’s true, then you’re in denial and the only real barrier to effective reconciliation is your own personal pride.

    When dealing with things of God, its typically left up to us mortals to first apologize and then ask forgiveness. Catholics … including voluntarily separated ones … typically accomplish that by going to confession, after which the subject will necessarily, never be brought up again. I speak from personal experience.

    God is good. His Catholic Church is troubled, but still quite capable of saving souls and ministering to all the needs of the faithful, and Jesus Christ specifically set things up that way, just for you. Why not give it one more try?

    If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your heart.

  5. I’m not an “adopted” child of God. I am inherently a spark of the divine, and so is everyone else. You don’t need a church to know that.

  6. Mr. Lawrence, that is one fine piece of satire. Would you be kind enough to pen one on the how, “more good, faithful, well informed, mature voters are needed……to turn our” corrupt, rotten to the core, political system around? Or would that be a stretch?

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