Stephen Colbert’s sister was in a debate

There is a special election coming next week in South Carolina’s First Congressional District and a debate was held between the candidates last night.

Stephen Colbert’s sister was in a debate against Mark Sanford, former South Carolina governor. This seems to be the most important fact on the background of Elizabeth Colbert Busch. Did I mention that she is Stephen Colbert’s sister? It is “noteworthy” to be the sister of Stephen Colbert, but, it seems to be mentioned by the press before the fact that she is an accomplished shipping executive and was a director for Clemson University’s renewable energy and water programs, if her experience in these areas is mentioned at all.

She is Stephen Colbert’s sister and that is most important.

And she skewered Sanford for “walking the Appalachian Trail.” Gasp!

Yes, Stephen Colbert’s sister went there.

The grand prize for reporting that Elizabeth Colbert Bush is Stephen Colbert’s sister goes to Kelly O’Donnell on the Today Show this morning. There was a banner on the lower part of the screen that read, “Comedian’s sister takes swipe at Fmr. Governor’s disappearance.”
Runner up in reporting the Colbert connection was The Atlantic Wire. Elizabeth Colbert Busch is referred to as “Stephen Colbert’s sister” and “…a celebrity’s impressive sister.”

Neither report mentions anything about her professional background, experience or accomplishments. She is a newcomer in politics and these things do not seem to matter enough to mention.

She is Stephen Colbert’s sister.



5 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert’s sister was in a debate

  1. I can’t say I pay attention to SC politics, but I have been hearing a bit about that campaign. The coverage is so biased, I didn’t even know she had a background. The general impression is that she’s running because being Colbert’s sister gives her a leg up.

    And if she wins, it’ll be because of all the free publicity of being Colbert’s sister.

    Man oh man. I don’t know why people like Elizabeth even bother, but I admire the hell out of them for doing it.

  2. I thought that Claudette Colbert was Stephen’s sister.

    (Yeah, that dates me, I know.)

  3. It nationally the attention is due to her brother. Locally in the Charleston area, she is well known. I believe she is up by 9 points. Unscientific and anecdotal evidence from a friend’s social media string (who lives in Charleston) a lot of conservatives are not very forgiving about a 4 day disappearance on the taxpayer dime. In fact, most of them thought it was even worse than Clinton. She is going to be a pretty conservative Democrat if elected.

  4. It serves the media well to deflect attention from the fact that her principle opponent was ‘hiking the Appalachian Trail’ with his mistress in Brazil courtesy of NC’s apparently verrry generous taxpayers, while lecturing us degenerates about ‘family values;’ or his new hobby of breaking and entering. Why focus on her positions on issues of substance when you can point out her relationship to a famous TV personality? Caution: Citizen United Journalism at work.

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