Florida bans EBT cards from strip clubs…

I am sooooo relieved that the State of Florida had enough sense to stop this fraud and abuse of  taxpayers dollars…

Gov. Rick Scott signed bill HB 701 on Thursday, making the use of state-issued electronic benefits cards at strip clubs, liquor stores, or casinos verboten.

You’re just going to have to get a second or third job to get yourself a lap dance now, poor people.

Republican state Rep. Jimmie Smith introduced this bill. He also was the person who introduced drug testing for recipients of assistance.

4 thoughts on “Florida bans EBT cards from strip clubs…

  1. Scott’s numbers are in the toilet so he’s grasping at any crazy Republican straw possible. He gave the teachers a raise (small) and then refused to expand Medicaid even though the Feds would supply the cash required to cover any new costs. He’ll be gone in 18 months.

  2. Well, some liquor stores often sell more than just liquor. Like soda and even…gasp…milk! And, given the dearth of good grocery stores in many poor neighborhoods, the liquor store just might be the only one open in emergencies or simply near by for any situation.

    But who cares whether poor people have access, right?

  3. How about no state reimbursement for expenses for liquor, strip clubs or casinos? Not for holiday parties, receptions or entertainment of guests.

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