Moving day

I told my son he’d better get his ass in gear and become rich because at 58 years old, I ain’t helping him move again. It was 96 degrees today, and I spent most of it sitting in an unshaded car, waiting for him and his friend to load it up. Oh, and I lost my keys. Magically, someone found them and turned them in and I was happy again. But my knees hurt really, really bad. (Okay, I helped a little.)

2 thoughts on “Moving day

  1. It was very, very hot out there today, but it was good to hang with you and to freak that beautiful dog. MEOW, Meow, meowooooo! Good to meet Mike and I hope he loves his new digs.

  2. I figured you’d throw your hat in. Once a Mom, etc. Oh well, Tiger Balm for those aches.

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