Ted Cruz is a whack job, part 27


The elite academic circles that Cruz was now traveling in began to rub off. As a law student at Harvard, he refused to study with anyone who hadn’t been an undergrad at Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. Says Damon Watson, one of Cruz’s law-school roommates: “He said he didn’t want anybody from ‘minor Ivies’ like Penn or Brown.”

One thought on “Ted Cruz is a whack job, part 27

  1. Republican Ted Cruz has outlived his usefullness to the 1%. On the other hand Democrat Hillary has outlived her usfullness to the 99%. Good, old, boy Bill set up a foundation right out of his presidency, transitioned Hillary into a leading role in it recently, and now sits back as she tours the country on speaking gigs. That is one deceptive way to run a political campaign. For those he believe that it’s just smart politics there’s this…..”Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

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