Mean Paul Krugman might make poor Mrs. Greenspan cry


Steven Pearlstein reads Alan Greenspan’s new book, and discovers that Greenspan believes that he bears no responsibility for all the bad things that happened on his watch — and that the solution to financial crises is, you guessed it, less government.

What Pearlstein doesn’t mention, but I think is important, is Greenspan’s amazing track record since leaving office — a record of being wrong about everything, and learning nothing therefrom. It is, in particular, more than three years since he warned that we were going to become Greece any day now, and declared the failure of inflation and soaring rates to have arrived already “regrettable.”

The thing is, Greenspan isn’t just being a bad economist here, he’s being a bad person, refusing to accept responsibility for his errors in and out of office. And he’s still out there, doing his best to make the world a worse place.

Guess this explains why Mrs. Greenspan keeps pushing Social Security cuts. She’s an economic no-nothing by osmosis!

One thought on “Mean Paul Krugman might make poor Mrs. Greenspan cry

  1. Osmosis? Is that like the new “science” research that says semen makes women less bitchy? Either way, I want to thank you for the mental image of Mr Magoo and his blue pills boning dog face Mitchell. Thanks alot. I didn’t want to eat today anyway.

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