Another reason why drones are immoral

MQ-1 Predator Unmanned Drone with Hellfire Missiles Flying at Sunset.
One of the many reasons I detest drones is the moral remove they provide to those who order their use. When you’re a politician or a general, it’s very easy to detach yourself from what happens from an eye in the sky (unlike the people who have to witness the results), which is what makes it such a dangerous tool. Read this to learn about the effects on the operators:

Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them some questions. I’d start with: “How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?” And: “How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?” Or even more pointedly: “How many soldiers have you seen die on the side of a road in Afghanistan because our ever-so-accurate UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicle] were unable to detect an IED [improvised explosive device] that awaited their convoy?”

Few of these politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue of what actually goes on. I, on the other hand, have seen these awful sights first hand.

I knew the names of some of the young soldiers I saw bleed to death on the side of a road. I watched dozens of military-aged males die in Afghanistan, in empty fields, along riversides, and some right outside the compound where their family was waiting for them to return home from mosque.

The US and British militaries insist that this is such an expert program, but it’s curious that they feel the need to deliver faulty informationfew or no statistics about civilian deaths and twisted technology reports on the capabilities of our UAVs. These specific incidents are not isolated, and the civilian casualty rate has not changed, despite what our defense representatives might like to tell us.

What the public needs to understand is that the video provided by a drone is a far cry from clear enough to detect someone carrying a weapon, even on a crystal-clear day with limited clouds and perfect light. This makes it incredibly difficult for the best analysts to identify if someone has weapons for sure. One example comes to mind: “The feed is so pixelated, what if it’s a shovel, and not a weapon?” I felt this confusion constantly, as did my fellow UAV analysts. We always wonder if we killed the right people, if we endangered the wrong people, if we destroyed an innocent civilian’s life all because of a bad image or angle.

One thought on “Another reason why drones are immoral

  1. Which capitalist corporate entity wants to introduce drones to our skies in a big way? Amazon. com. A company which has never, ever made a profit and yet keeps on going. Where does its money come from? Speaking of the CIA, here’s a word about the Washington Post. 60% of the American public wants every last U.S. soldier out of Afghanistan well before the end of 2014. But not the Washington Post. The WP has become the mouthpiece for the NSA, the CIA, and the Pentagon. Its lobbying efforts on behalf of the military industrial complex drives its daily content in a big way. Now that’s immoral

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