
Cluster Headache

The birds are twittering. A picturesque snow flurry is falling. And as I sit here, I have excruciating pain on the right side of my head that starts at the top and runs all the way down behind my ear. That is why I am drinking a Diet Pepsi and wearing a Velcroed ice pack around my head.

I’m beginning to think this has more to do with the chronic TMJ problem than my sinuses. (I have an appointment with the chiro this afternoon.)

I have such chronic tension in my neck and shoulders, you could bounce a brick off me. I’m running the other site, where it gets so busy, I sometimes forget to come back here and post. (Sorry!) I’m always feeding that goddamned media beast. So between that and the mechanical problems that come with being deskbound all day, I am fucked up. I feel like an assembly-line worker. “It’s my life has been wasted/And I who’ve been a fool/To let this manufacturer use my body for a tool.” Writers are no longer paid to write, they’re “content providers.” And the machine grinds on.