Sometimes I forget

The line of work I’m in, and about the right wing wackos, because I’ve already blocked so many of them on Twitter. (No kidding – like, several thousand.) But this week, I made the mistake of responding to someone with a tossed-off comment: “Yes, people who like facts tend to be Democrats.”

Well, you would think I’d punched the Baby Jeebus in the face.

It’s time-consuming when this happens because I can’t help myself: Sometimes I try to think of a way to respond that isn’t an attack but is also amusing. That’s hard to do when people are explaining that you’re a ugly old cat lady who will die alone, so again: Back to blocking.

One guy described himself as a “lifelong Mensan.” Hah. I passed that test when I was 12 and thought it was a big deal. It’s not.

Anyway, it’s a personal failure on my part that I even get into this. Everyone knows you don’t feed the trolls.



Oh, huzzah

I really need to get off Twitter, it’s mostly a snake pit now. The only thing is, none of the other social media platforms offer the ability to use their tweets like this, and for various reasons (the most compelling being copyright issues — there are law firms that do nothing but sue bloggers now), I can’t use the art unless it’s part of a tweet.

I’m back!

My domain name expired. It has been renewed. Now the site is back up!

I’m still not sleeping, it’s a wonder I remember my name.

Thanks for your patience!

Google turned out to be evil

As I said a few weeks ago, Google is almost singlehandedly responsible for the death of blogging. They built a monopoly that pushed everyone else out of ad sales, and made it impossible for most blogs to survive.

The myth of the liberal media

I decided to republish the post written by our beloved Terry “Bartcop” Coppage on Dec. 11th, 2000 in rebuttal to his right-wing readers, because Democrats never seem to realize just what we’re dealing with. All you have to do to make this current is change the names. Here it is.

The Myth of The Liberal Media

 Let’s do a “what if” so I can make a point. I think it’s a good one.
 I think it’s so good, I’d like to hear from anyone who disagrees.

 What if a show like Dateline did a “hatchet job” on Donald Trump?
 It wouldn’t have to really be a hatchet job, but any honest appraisal of that idiot’s qualifications would prove he’s a non-thinking rich man’s boy – and that’s all. But what would happen if Dateline really did an unflattering portrait of Trump?

The vulgar Pigboy would spend at least three hours saying it wasn’t true and he’d offer hours of rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Bill O’Reilly would spend at least an hour on his show saying
 it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Sean Hannity would walk all over Alan Colmes for an hour that night, saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Eva Von Zahn  would spend at least an hour that night saying it wasn’t true and she’d offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 The Beltway Boys would spend at least an hour that night saying it
 wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Brit Hume and Tony Snow would spend at least an hour on Sunday
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Juan Williams and Mara Liasson would spend their entire allotted time saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 John McLaughlin would spend at least an hour on his syndicated show saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Chris the Screamer would spend at least an hour on his show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 G. Gordon Liddy would spend at least three hours on his radio show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Laura the Whore would spend at least an hour on her radio show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Michael Medved would spend at least an hour on his radio show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Sam and Cokie would spend at least an hour on This Whore
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 George (Judas Maximus) Steffi and George (dumb as a chimp) Will
 would spend their entire allotted time swearing that it wasn’t true.

 Bob Schieffer would spend at least an hour on Face the Whore
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Tim the Catholic would spend at least an hour on Meet the Whore
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

John Hockenberry would spend at least an hour on his show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Ollie North would spend at least an hour on his radio show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Robert Novak would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Paul Weyrich would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

 Still with me? We’re close to the end… 

 BSNBC’s Brian Williams would spend at least an hour on his show
 saying it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Wolf the Whore would spend at least an hour on his show saying
  it wasn’t true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Bill Schneider and Candy Crowley would do an hour special on CCN 
  (Clinton Cock Network) saying it wasn’t true, and offering rebuttal. 

 John Stossel would have a special on ABC: Is lying OK for liberals?

 Then Howie Kurtz would spend 30 minutes on Reliable Sources asking  if the media wasn’t being too hard on a developmentally-disabled child. 

 Barbara Olson would write a book condemning Dateline
 Ann Coulter would write a book condemning Dateline
 Laura Ingraham would write a book condemning Dateline
 Peggy Noonan would write a book condemning Dateline
 Andrew Sullivan would write a book condemning Dateline
 William Safire would write a book condemning Dateline

 OK, we’re going to call the above “Exhibit A.” 

 Now, everyone on that list has done at least a dozen hit pieces on Clinton. 

 My question is,   Where is “Exhibit B?”

 When those 38 people attack Clinton and his cock, who does the rebuttal?

 Even you ditto-sheep have to admit that nobody on that list 
  has EVER defended a fabricated lie against the president. 

 There is no “Exhibit B,” because there are so few liberal voices on television. The closest you can get is Eleanor on McLaughlin or Geraldo, but there is barely a liberal whisper on television, even though there are DOZENS of right-wing, Smirk-apologist shows whose livelihood is lying about liberals. 

 I don’t think you ditto-heads can offer an answer. 

This is why we ask you to support blogs and bloggers. We have so few voices compared to the right wing.

Twitter going bye-bye

Experts say it will probably collapse by the end of the week, and this will make my life a whole lot harder. (For one thing, you could get breaking news faster on Twitter than most publications.) And the new alternatives are much slower and more cumbersome.

For another, because Twitter’s code renders pictures and videos when you use them in a post, it was a wonderfully easy way to sidestep a major problem for online sites: namely, international bounty hunters who do nothing but file lawsuits for each time a site uses an image to which they don’t own the rights.

So this will be a real pain in the ass. I’m already spread thin, what with two other jobs and trying to function with long covid. Just understand why you won’t see much visual interest on the site.

(I do have this one app that delivers copyright-free photos, but it’s not comprehensive and lately I just get error codes. Oh well!)

Winter fund drive

Cash 1-22-15 months

Isn’t he adorable? His name is Cash — and coincidentally, that’s what this old blogger is asking for: Cash. Moolah. Buckaroonies.

I used to have this reader who, whenever I would do a fundraiser, would leave a comment saying she couldn’t believe bloggers had the nerve to ask people to fund their “hobby.” This is not my hobby, guys. It’s a public service, and it’s work. When the rest of you knock off at 5 or so, the second part of my day is just beginning.

(Please note: I stopped running ads, especially not the nasty popups that block what you’re trying to read.)

What news on the interwebs is interesting enough to bring to your attention? (I sometimes describe myself as a “news concierge.” The service I offer you is the ability to ignore the news as much as you want, because odds are, if something’s all that important, you can trust I’m going to bring it to your attention.

So if you value the digging I do, or enjoy the old and new tunes I provide, please send some of your hard-earned dollars my way. I do appreciate it.

Venmo: @Susan-Madrak-1

Or you can donate to Paypal here.
