Stop the Comcast merger

WHAT: The People Vote:  Stop the Comcast Mega-Merger
WHEN: Wed. May 21st, from 9.30 – 10.30 AM
WHERE: The Kimmel Center, 300 South Broad Street (southwest corner of Broad and Spruce)
RSVP:  Click here to RSVP, and find us on Facebook and invite your friends!
WHO: You! Organizers include CAP Comcast, Common Cause, Consumers Union, Free Press, the Media Action Grassroots Network, and Media Mobilizing Project 

One thought on “Stop the Comcast merger

  1. We know that Holder’s Justice Department won’t stop this or the AT&T/Direct TV merger. Holder’s loyalties lie with the 1% (oligarchy) and so do Obama’s. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren oppose both of these mergers. Clinton is out to lunch as usual.

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