Can’t argue with that


Well, whattaya know? Old Harry’s speaking the truth:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on Tuesday said that billionaires controlled American politics because of the lack of campaign finance laws.

“I’m here because of the flood of dark money into our nation’s political system poises the greatest threat to our democracy that I have witnessed during my tenure in public service,” he said during a Senate Judiciary hearing. “The decisions of the Supreme Court have left the American people with a status quo in which one side’s billionaires are pitted against the other side’s billionaires.”

“So we sit here today with a simple choice: Do we keep the status quo and argue all day and all night forever about whose billionaires are right, whose billionaires are wrong, or we can work together to change the system to get this shady money out of our democracy and restore the basic principles of one American, one vote,” Reid remarked.

The Senate hearing was held to discuss a proposed amendment to the Constitution that would overturn the Supreme Court’s controversial decisions in the Citizens United and McCutcheon cases.

The amendment would grant Congress and the states the authority to regulate the campaign finance system, but would not dictate any specific policies or regulations.

2 thoughts on “Can’t argue with that

  1. This Amendment is way to broad. It was designed that way. So it will fail big time. That way the corrupt politicians, like Reid, can pretend that they were working to help the 99% and then blame those nasty Republicans for blocking the effort. Stupid and greedy people like Ted Cruz will play along to make it look legit to the public. Everybody knows that the chances of the politicians limiting the amount of money that they can receive as “campaign contributions” are exactly zip and zero. Democratic Senator from Vermont Patrick Leahy needs to be kicked off the Judiciary Committee and then impeached by Vermonters.

  2. Wow. Amazing words. And from Reid, of all people. I’ve generally considered him one of the world’s wettest noodles, but lately he’s been saying all sorts of things.

    Now if only the law was more than a suggestion to get money out of politics….

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