Christianity is the religion of peace

The suspect was allegedly threatening people in the Muslim community on Facebook. He is also reported to have aimed a gun at some local Muslims and threatened to kill them:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A teenager who was is in surgery at Children’s Mercy Hospital after being hit by a man driving an SUV near Admiral Boulevard and The Paseo on Thursday night has died. The 15-year-old boy lost a lot of blood when his legs were severed in what police believe was an intentional attack outside the Somali Center of Kansas City.

“It became pretty clear that this was not an accidental crash, there is a considerable amount of evidence that leads us to believe it was intentional,” Sergeant Bill Mahoney with KCPD said.

The teenage boy was getting into a car outside of the Somali Center when he was hit. A male suspect in his 30’s is in custody.

“Suspect apparently hit him and another individual as they were getting into a car that was parked along the north side of Admiral Boulevard,” Sgt. Mahoney said. “Vehicle then was damaged, he tried to leave the scene but couldn’t get anywhere in the vehicle. He bailed out of it, started running eastbound and was apprehended by officers.”

H/t Jason Kalafat, a DC Federal Criminal Lawyer.

One thought on “Christianity is the religion of peace

  1. Here’s another blow to Christian coming out of Florida. The Florida Department of Management Services approved a holiday display this week from the Satanic Temple. The display will be put up in the Capital building in Tallahassee on December 22. It will banner the phrase “Happy holidays from the Satanic Temple” atop a diorama of an angel falling into hell. Pam Olsen, president of the Florida Prayer Network, is appalled. “Are they really putting this up to wish everyone a happy holiday from the atheists and the Satanists, or are they up there to protest baby Jesus?” The Festivus display of a 6′ stack of empty beer cans has not yet been approved. These are verifiable facts and not an Onion piece.

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