Dem rep: GOP love for Israel has more to do with fundraising

The US Rep., John Yarmuth enoys the company of Keith Hawkins during the safety fair, held at Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church.

I’m not surprised that he thinks this. I’m just surprised he said it out loud:

Rep. John Yarmuth says Republican House Speaker John Boehner inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to the House of Representatives is “close to subversion.”

Speaking with the Stephanie Miller Show on Friday, the Kentucky Democrat added some Congress members’ strong support for Israel “had to do with fundraising.”

“I am totally outraged at Speaker Boehner for doing it, I think it’s, it was deliberately designed to undermine the president — that’s close to subversion,” said Yarmuth of Netanyahu’s upcoming address to Congress.

“I mean, the president is supposed to be conducting foreign policy, not the Speaker of the House.”
Yarmuth then said a lot of the strong support for Israel has to with fundraising and pressure from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

“And you know, a lot of it has to do with fundraising — I’m sure some of it is sincere support for Israel,” Yarmuth said.

“You know, I’m a Jewish member of Congress, I’m a strong supporter of Israel, but my first obligation is to the Constitution of the United States, not to the Constitution of Israel. And unfortunately, I think, some of the demands that are made of members by AIPAC and some strong Jewish supporters are that we pay more attention — I guess we defer — to Israel more than we defer to the United States.”

“And that’s another thing, because if he’s going to come over here and say ‘well, my intelligence shows this’ — you know, there’s an implicit, I guess, admission — or not admission, I guess concession — that Israeli intelligence is superior to American intelligence. I’m not ready to sit there and endorse that kind of proposition, and I suspect he will, basically, talk about things like that — you know, try to match their assessment of the situation against ours. And I’m not willing to believe theirs is superior.”

3 thoughts on “Dem rep: GOP love for Israel has more to do with fundraising

  1. The White House and the State Department should give their Israeli counterparts the number for Boehner’s switchboard and state that calls will only be taken there. Then direct the US Ambassador for Israel to institute contacts through the Labor Party.

  2. To say that Israel has far too much influence over US political, domestic and foreign policy is an understatement.
    The main reason Netanyahu is visiting the US so close to the Israeli elections is to try to get a leg up on his opponents in Israel. His poll numbers are in the toilet at home.
    In order to survive politically Netanyahu requires an “existential enemy.” That enemy can’t be Saudi Arabia—the Sunnis—because the US has a very close alliance with that brutal dictatorship. So, by default, it’s Iran—the Shiites— because there’s no love lost between the US and Iran.
    Netanyahu is a phony and a criminal. So are the Republicans and the Democrats who support Israel and Saudi Arabia. But the worst criminals of all are those in both parties who want to go to war with Iran.

  3. I am so sick and tired of the AIPAC lobby, Netanyahu, and Israel that its not even funny. How dare they undermined America !!!!!! Why is t AIPAC listed as a foreign entity. That lobby has no business here and I firmly believe Israel was involved in 911. I have always liked the Jews I have known in my life but I seriously can’t stand AIPAC or Israel. No we don’t all stand with Israel and they certainly are genociding the people of Palestine !!!! Get out of my country Satanyahu!!!!

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