Susan Collins: Trump is the one destabilizing insurance market

Prospects for repeal of Obamacare remains uncertain

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine discussed the warm welcome she received in Maine after her vote against the so-called “skinny repeal” bill, and shot down the Trump administration’s talking points on “insurance bailouts.” Tapper: A very difficult time, very contentious time. President Trump, as you know, is hoping to revive the effort to repeal and replace…

One thought on “Susan Collins: Trump is the one destabilizing insurance market

  1. It makes sense for the Republicans to defend the health insurance companies, but why are the Democrats doing it?

    On Thursday July 30, 2009, Nancy Pelosi said in answer to a journalists question “insurers are ‘immoral’ villains.”

    Yesterday Pelosi said that she has a plan to “stabilize” the insurance market.

    Poor old Nancy must have caught Trumpitis.
    Or she’s been listening to Chuck Schumer.

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