Former Puerto Rico governor describes Trump perfectly: ‘He is racist’

Governor Padilla of Puerto Rico speaks at Brookings, July 12, 2016.

Former Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro García Padilla was blunt in his assessment of why Trump singled out his territory for threats this morning — racism. When asked about Trump’s tweets, García Padilla said they “show his lack of knowledge of federal law,” for starters. He pointed out that the law requires FEMA to stay on the…

2 thoughts on “Former Puerto Rico governor describes Trump perfectly: ‘He is racist’

  1. “We’re not going to be there (Puerto Rico) forever,” said Trump.

    “That’s accurate,” confirmed Chief-of-Staff Gen. Kelly.

    But apparently we’re going to be in Afghanistan forever. Go figure?

    Today Trump will make two more racist decisions.
    He will withdraw from UNESCO and he will denounce Iran for being a “terrorist state.”

    Do you know who is thrilled by those decisions?
    The racist Netanyahu and racist Zionist extremists in Israel.

    Trump and the pro-Zionists in congress (in both party’s) said nothing about Netanyahu’s lawless and racist decision to build 3736 illegal housing units in the Occupied West Bank, but they are thrilled with Trump’s departure from UNESCO and his denunciation of Iran and the Nuclear Agreement.

    Just whose foreign policy is the US following??

  2. Let’s not delude ourselves. The racists formed an Electoral College majority. There was no mystery about Trump’s appeal.

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