Moronic Trumpkin tells C-SPAN Obama ‘started’ racism in America: ‘Our black people’ are happy

C-SPAN Greenroom

Isn’t it interesting how so many people who support and defend Donald Trump cannot manage to see what a blatantly racist asshole he is no matter what he says and does? During a discussion of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

One thought on “Moronic Trumpkin tells C-SPAN Obama ‘started’ racism in America: ‘Our black people’ are happy

  1. I’ve often wondered who exactly comprises the vaunted trump “base” that we keep hearing so much about. Now, I’m convinced that that cohort is a voting group of immigrants featured over the decades in the Star Wars series of flicks. These beings don’t come from the Deep State. No, they come and go to Deep Space.

    Oh, and btw, I happen to be black and I ain’t too fucking happy with the shitheads running the country these days—just for the record!

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