Oh dear, she hurt their fee-fees

Michelle Wolf at the White House Correspondents Dinner:

The evening illustrated exactly why it’s such a bad idea for journalists to socialize with the people they cover.

3 thoughts on “Oh dear, she hurt their fee-fees

  1. Michelle Wolf is a genius. Dozens of thumps up for her.

    Kanye West, on the other hand, is a conniving, money grubbing, has-been. FU Kanye.

    Trump is an un-American, anti-democratic, pro-authoritarian, right wing, extremist, demagogue.

    Republicans support Trump.

    Republicans are the enemy.

  2. The lady was courageous, showing the kind of guts and intelligence the so-called journalists in the room lacked. Their criticism shows just how much she was right on the mark. Speaking truth to power is up to the women in the world at this time. Too many men are protecting their own egos. Go, Michelle!

  3. She said “fuck” twice and “pussy” a few times. My stars and garters, however will the republic survive such a violation and degradation of the norms of civility and decency?
    Oh, wait…

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