Why are the Republicans letting him tank the economy?

Stock markets tumble as China-US trade tariffs loom

Are they really that afraid of him? I guess so:

Companies buying back their own shares is the only thing keeping the stock market afloat right now.

Companies set a record for share buybacks in the second quarter, while investors set their own record for selling stock-based funds in June.

On the corporate side, officials are finding that repurchases are the best use for investor cash now, while individual investors are fearful that a trade war could offset strong economic momentum this year.

All in all, the corporate buying has won out, keeping the S&P 500 slightly positive for the year.

One thought on “Why are the Republicans letting him tank the economy?

  1. First of all, corporations buying back their own shares of stock is not what Trump and the Republicans claimed would happen to the gigantic corporate tax cuts. To a man and a women the Republicans claimed that most of that “found” money would be gifted to the workers either as bonuses or in higher wages.
    A big fat juicy lie.

    More importantly, the Republican corporate and 1 percenter tax cut will add trillions to our deficit and debt over the next 20 years. That’s a national security issue and a crime against our children and grandchildren.

    But there is some good news.
    Thanks to Trump the Mexican people on Sunday called bulls**t and elected a center-left government (who will never fund a wall).
    That should bode well for the population going forward, who seem to have fully rejected the corrupt, Fascist Mexican regimes of the past.

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