One thought on “Dems in charge

  1. The Democrats certainly are in charge and one Representative, Adam Smith of Washington, is a scary guy.

    Who the hell is making US foreign and military policy?
    Because it sure isn’t Trump.

    Three weeks ago Trump told the world that “our troops in Syria are coming home immediately.”

    Yesterday, pro-Zionist, neo-con extremist John Bolton showed up in Israel for talks with Netanyahu.
    After their meeting Bolton said that “US troops will be leaving Syria as soon as ISIS is defeated.”
    Didn’t Trump tell us three weeks ago that “ISIS has been defeated?”
    Netanyahu must have disagreed.

    Bolton also said that “we will keep US troops in southern Syria in the al-Tanf area” indefinitely “to check Iran.”
    More input from Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia?

    Apparently Bolton, Israel and Saudi Arabia are now making US policy and not Trump and America.
    The military industrial complex and their toadies like (R) Lindsey Graham, (D)John Yarmuth and (D) Adam Smith have seemingly won this round.

    Note: Democrat Adam Smith said yesterday that “Bolton’s approach was the correct one.”
    Too many Democrats are pro-Zionist, neo-con, warmongers and having them in charge is disappointing and dangerous.

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