3 thoughts on “Spoiler time

  1. You have the message confused with the messenger. The barriers to third party ballot access are indefensible and should be unconstitutional.

  2. CGP Grey has some excellent YouTube videos that explain how we ended up with a 2-party system, and how we can solve for the spoiler effect. It turns out that all ‘winner take all’ voting systems devolve into two dominant parties that allow for Nader voters to elect a W – even when he is further from their desired outcome.


  3. Third party ballot access is a wonderful thing, in a parliamentary system of government.

    We have a modified representative democracy which demands that a “majority” wins out.
    The parliamentary system creates odd synergies that normally dissolve into ranker and division.

    Pick your poison; a system that is generally stable (Trump is the exception that proves the rule) or one in which people are punching each others lights out in Congress.

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