One thought on “Very special people

  1. What should be done with the criminal children of the oligarchs? Elba?

    Speaking of assholes, apparently Joe Biden believes that he’s the most progressive candidate running for the presidency.

    FDR was chosen by the Capitalist oligarchs to rescue Capitalism from the Capitalist extremists in the Republican Party and then resuscitate it. Mission accomplished.

    Biden believes that the country is at a “reflection point.” He’s correct.

    But, Biden’s problem is that we do not need another FDR or to be reunified (Beto) just yet.

    What we need to do is to evolve our system to a place that Capitalism was never designed to take us.

    Biden, his pal Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Amy Klobuchar, and the rest of the moderates are out-of-step with the times.

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