One thought on “How odd

  1. Russia is simply playing the Israeli game of “targeted assassinations.”

    Recently Trump targeted Venezuela’s Madura for assassination. As soon as war criminal Elliot Abrams enters the stage you can rest assured that somebody is gonna get wacked.

    The most recent decline in Western Civilization, which these “targeted assassinations” are a symptom of, began with President Ronald Reagan.

    It continued under Bush I and began to accelerate under Clinton with the passage of NAFTA and the elimination of the Glass-Steagall Act.

    Bush II brought us the third act and Obama brought the final curtain down.

    Trump wants to spend $50 billion more on the military in 2020 then he did in 2019. $750 billion in all.
    The Democrats are going to let him do it despite the fact that they will be required to borrow every dollar that they spend on the military from China, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

    Not only is that stupid, but it’s unconscionable.

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