Thumbs up

What a great idea. I can’t believe how many people are criticizing this — they’re so used to getting crumbs, they think it’s morally superior to starve:

One thought on “Thumbs up

  1. Senator Warren is a pleasant surprise in a field of otherwise lackluster, know-nothing candidates.
    Hers is a good and affordable plan to eliminate student debt.

    But why are Neo-liberal Democrats becoming constitutional obstructionists?

    Are “we the people” supposed to patiently wait on the sidelines while an unfit, corrupt president loots our natural resources and squanders our treasury?

    It is the constitutional obligation of the people’s representatives in the House to remedy this situation by voting to remove any vile, loathsome and criminal president such as Trump.

    It is also the duty of every elected Democratic candidate running for president in 2020 to follow their constitutional oath of office and recommend that Trump be impeached.

    Senator Elizabeth Warren has done that and she should be roundly applauded for doing it.

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