3 thoughts on “Mitch the troll

  1. This creature is even worse then Trump is if that’s possible.

    Do the Democrats have a candidate in Kentucky to run against Mitch yet?

    If not, why not?

  2. He means including black and brown people in society is SOCIALISM!!!! boogedy boogedy boo!!!! Also too run fer yer lives!!!

  3. Recall that Mitch McConnell and [then-speaker] John Boehner were also responsible for the tragedy in Benghazi. The State Dept. begged for additional security, but this gruesome two-some had sequestered all military funding in an effort to make the previous administration look bad. Then they used their propaganda arm at Faux Noise to blame HRC and Obama.

    My son was a United States Marine at the time, and they couldn’t even gas up the bus to attend a scheduled conference. Republicans are bad with money, and bad for America.

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