One thought on “House debating rules before Impeachment Floor vote…

  1. There is a Neo-liberal dose of cold war intrigue overlaying the impeachment inquiry.

    The Ukraine became a Soviet republic, one of the first, in 1920.
    When the U.S.S.R collapsed in 1991 the US decided that the Ukraine was ripe for the picking.
    That’s when the corrupt state of Ukraine was born.
    When the US backed Yuschenko government collapsed in 2001 after just 2 years in power the revolution commenced.
    Eighteen years later the corrupt and failed state of Ukraine is being led by a comedian (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

    The old, cold warriors (warmongers) like Pelosi, Schumer and Biden (Coons) remain steadfast in their determination to destroy Russia rather then pursuing peaceful co-existence with them.

    It’s time for a change.

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