One thought on “First long term study show e-cigarettes harmful to lungs…

  1. I call baloney. There’s no mention of the survey sample(s) or whether the subjects previously smoked cigarettes and if so, for how long. They’re also vague about whether the subjects smoked tobacco products as well as e-cigs.

    Listen, there’s a push among legislators and tobacco-industry health care spokespeople to portray e-cigs as being as dangerous as tobacco products. The legislators want to do anything to avoid raising taxes because cigarette sales are down down down. Tobacco industry wants to get in on the action but hold on to their legacy industry.

    The corporate news industry is only happy to oblige; they don’t want higher taxes either, and are okay with splashy-sounding headlines full of truthiness. The last line in the linked NBC article says that “all tobacco products are dangerous.” The thing is, e-cigs use nicotine that’s synthesized in a lab. There’s no tobacco–or any of the other toxins associated with it–in an e-cig. It’s misleading. And very clever. But I call baloney.

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