History and those who opposed Nixon’s impeachment…

Here is an interesting piece about how those who supported Nixon while impeachment was being decided were remembered in their obituaries.

One thought on “History and those who opposed Nixon’s impeachment…

  1. They say that the obituaries are the most popular section of every newspaper.

    John P. O’Neil, the FBI’s top Middle Eastern counterterrorism expert, died on
    September 11, 2001 in the World Trade Center.

    When O’Neil was recalled from Yemen in November 2000, he was about to arrest the Godfather of al-Qaeda, Abu Ali al-Harithi.
    Ali al-Harithi was responsible for the bombing of the USS Cole (2000) and the Nairobi embassy bombings (1998).

    Ali al-Harithi was a key player in the planning of the 9-11 attack on the WTC.
    Ali al-Harithi was bin Laden’s General Solomani.

    Why did the FBI fire O’Neil one month before the WTC was attacked?

    Why was O’Neil the Chief-of-Security at the WTC on September 11, 2001 where he was killed?

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