Deja vu all over again

I was going to write about this today, but Will Bunch already did it:

And so did Melissa Ryan, my fave right-wing disinformation expert:

One thought on “Deja vu all over again

  1. Here comes the wingnut funded astroturf rebranding “Tea Party 2.0” lifeboat construction project.
    Only this time their guy is in the white house and they are attempting to infect children with the plague right out in public.
    Perhaps they are trying to destroy the single remaining hope of overcoming their toxic idiocy: that a common enemy of humanity could unite us against it.
    As long as they remain that actively retarded, it would appear that they are succeeding.
    Fuck that. Burn those motherfuckers as fast as they can build them.
    We’re not going down without a fight, and if we have to fight covidiots along with COVID-19, then that’s what we’ll do.

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