One thought on “Hillary endorses Joe Biden

  1. If the coronavirus outbreak has taught us anything it’s that our for-profit health care system is inferior and overpriced.
    Corporations are in the business of making a profit and paying their shareholders.

    During this epidemic the ultraists, the nurses, doctors, technicians, cleaners and cooks, have all acted like the hero’s that they are.

    The same can’t be said for the for-profit health insurance industry which has contributed nothing to the cause except past due bills for services rendered.
    They are the profiteers.

    Yet, Neo-liberals like Biden want to bailout the health care industry by giving it tens of billions of tax payer dollars.
    Biden should be calling for a universal health care system that includes everybody instead of agitating to prop up our current failed for-profit system.
    Medicare For All.

    It’s quite obvious that Neo-liberals like Biden want to keep our existing broken down health care system in order to keep the campaign dollars rolling in from the profiteers.

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