One thought on “God bless America

  1. The Proud Boys engaged in violent confrontations with ANTIFA protestors Saturday night after the “Million Man Maga March” fizzled out.

    Trump immediately blamed the violence on “ANTIFA scum.”

    It comes as no surprise that a Fascist, White Supremacist like Trump would condemn anti-Fascists as “scum” and then praise the Nazi Proud Boys as “patriotic Americans.”

    Did the Republicans condemn Trumps inflammatory rhetoric? Of course not.

    Trump is undermining the election process with false charges of fraud and a rigged election.
    Are the Republicans condemning Trump for his recklessness? Of course not.

    The Democratic Party does not need to form a coalition of disaffected Republican “Never Trumpers” and moderate Democrats and neither does the country.

    The only good Republican is a defeated Republican.

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