Good old Roger

One thought on “Good old Roger

  1. What happened on January 6 was an attempted coup.

    The (pro)democratic-republicans in the “old” Republican Party—now known as the QAnon Party—will get another chance to do the right thing and convict traitor Trump for his sedition, his insurrection, and his treason.
    Will the “new” QAnon Party help restore our damaged democratic-republic or move closer toward Trumps authoritarianism?

    Trump will use the “whataboutism” defense at his trial instead of trying to prove that he’s innocent of all of the charges.

    ‘I may be a dirty, rotten, lowdown, lying, criminal, skunk,’ he’ll say, ‘but what about my opponents?’
    ‘They’re even worse, because they want to destroy our way of life.’

    Will the “new” QAnon Party embrace the traitor Trumps ridiculous argument and let this seditious, traitor off Scot free?

    It seems that every time the oligarch class feels under siege they order the burning of books as a first step.

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