One thought on “Panhandle Slim… Art for Folk…

  1. Conservatives (anti-republican and anti-federalist) are going up in flames around the world.

    Conservative, Nationalist PM Narendra Modi has brought India to wrack and ruin because of his stupidity and admiration for Trump and Trumpism.

    That can also be said for the Fascist Bolsonaro’s Brazil, where the the social fabric has been torn to pieces and the stability of the country is tenuous.
    Fascist President Viktor Urban of Hungary and Duda of Poland are likewise losing their grip on power.

    The demise of these authoritarian Fascists began to accelerate once traitor Trump was voted out of office in an election landslide.

    The following is very troubling.

    Conservative, warmongers Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton teamed up in an appearance before the House Foreign Affairs Committee to undercut Joe Biden’s plan to withdraw from Afghanistan.

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