One thought on “Police state

  1. In all honesty the people of Florida probably won’t notice any difference in their policing because cops have gotten away with murder in Florida for decades.

    For months the corporatists in the Republican Big Lie Party, and Ron DeSantis was one of the loudest voices, have been claiming that the millions of workers which employers needed to fill their millions of vacant jobs would stream back to work if only the $300 a-week federal supplemental unemployment benefits were stopped.

    Half the states (Red) ended the payment and half the states (Blue) did not.
    In the 25 Red states which ended the $300 supplemental labor shortages persisted.
    In the 25 Blue states which kept the $300 payment labor shortages declined.

    What we can conclude from this is that Capitalist economists are either as stupid as hell or they’re just big fat liars.

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