2 thoughts on “The more they get, the worse they are

  1. For decades the states controlled by Republicans have received far more federal dollars then they’ve contributed through taxation.
    When you pay your workforce poverty wages then you need to get help from the federal government to feed them.

    This one’s just for you Marsha because you’re such a stupid human being.

    Evangelical Christian dogma opens the space necessary for right wing Fascist extremists to thrive.

    Evangelical Christian dogma and Taliban or ISIS dogma are more the same then they are different.
    They want a religious state (government) run by a ‘benevolent’, authoritarian exercising “God’s will on Earth.”
    In a theocracy you are either one of the “chosen people” or you are an infidel (non-believer) needing to be “neutralized for the good of the state.”

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